Monday, April 30, 2012

Life in a Pose

Good Morning all! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. On Sunday, I went to the bookstore and snatched up a few new reads, one of them being Poser: My Life in Twenty-Three Yoga Poses. I heard about this book a couple of years ago when it came out, but remained skeptical. Mainly because I couldn't really relate since I didn't do yoga. Funny how things change, considering now the majority of my time is spent practicing yoga. Throughout this book the author Claire Dederer leads us through skepticism about what she can do and can't do, something we have all probably been through when trying new poses and deepening our practice. Yoga is as much about breaking down the barriers in our lives, as it is about the poses.

Dederer takes the reader through this experience, sharing part of her herself through yoga, while at the same time creating something witty, delightful, and engagingly honest. I'm excited to read more... Yoga for me has been so much about learning to say yes, accepting that just being is enough and most of all realizing there is strength that I never knew I had... you just have to allow yourself to tap into things that you never thought you could, and allow yourself to open up without thinking too much about it. Maria, my teacher always says that in life, in yoga, we have to learn to get ourselves out of the way so we can truly live... quieting all the parts of us that tells us why we can't...

I can't, I can't, I can't, I told myself. What happens when you tell yourself that you can't do something that you are asked to do over and over every day?... The fact was, after all those down-on-my-knees chaturangas, my triceps were actually hard. The fact was, I was strong. But it happens all the time: We make decisions about ourselves and our lives that are not based on fact.- Poser