Monday, January 14, 2013

Creating Space

Hi all! With lots of things going on, I feel like I am trying to keep my head above water and am finding it challenging just to find space and time to breathe. However, I did sign up today for Baron Baptiste's 40 Days to Personal Revolution. It is completely free and comes with practices, meditations, diet, basically everything I need in my life right now! Even though it has been a little hectic and a little crazy lately, I am feeling very grateful and extremely blessed. My friend Amie came in town to host a workshop with me and it was fantastic. We had the perfect amount of people in each class, which just happened to work out. It was really wonderful. :)

I am very thankful to everyone who came to the workshops and for all the support!

I hope you all have a great week!

And if you wish to do the 40 Days with me, you can sign up here:

You will get emails during the week, along with practices, meditations and principles to cleanse the diet.

- Baron Baptiste

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