Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to Center

Happy Monday! I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend! I finally made it to a much needed yoga class on Saturday, that left me with the biggest smile on my face. Allow me to sound like a yogi for minute when I say that, there is definitely something about the flow of yoga that allows for certain anxieties and fears to be released. It creates time to focus only on the space that you have on your mat and nothing else. It always brings me back to center. It is very easy to get wrapped up in our lives. We get consumed with our careers, relationships, family... I don't know about all of you, but since I was young, I have had a list in my head of things that I've needed/wanted to accomplish and when it comes to the big things sometimes it's easy to become very invested in the outcome which leads to an undeniable amount of stress. It's easy to put a lot of pressure on ourselves. Our lists stack up and it's easy to become focused on something that is very outside of ourselves. I always want to know what to expect, will this be great? Will this be a disaster? Whether it is in relationships, your career, projects, or family, sometimes it's best to let go of the outcome or the result. Life leads us down a lot of different paths, and it's always nice to turn back to center and to let go of everything else.

With that said... Let go of the outcome and enjoy the week! : )

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